Krypf’s Diary



High Energy Physics - Theory

[2308.05802] Effective gravitational action for 2D massive Majorana fermions on arbitrary genus Riemann surfaces

We explore the effective gravitational action for two-dimensional massive Euclidean Majorana fermions in a small mass expansion, continuing and completing the study initiated in a previous paper. We perform a detailed analysis of local zeta functions, heat kernels, and Green's functions of the Dirac operator on arbitrary Riemann surfaces. We obtain the full expansion of the effective gravitational action to all orders in m2. For genus one and larger, this requires the understanding of the role of the zero-modes of the (massless) Dirac operator which is worked out.

[2308.07617] Jackiw-Teitelboim Gravity Generates Horndeski via Disformal Transformations

General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

[2308.07331] Green's function in general relativity

 This report provides Green's functions (classical propagators) of gravitational fields of vierbein and spin-connection in general relativity. The existence of Green's function of the Laplace operator in curved space with an indefinite metric is ensured owing to the Hodge harmonic analysis. The analyticity of Green's function is naturally determined intrinsically, keeping a causality. This report proposed a novel definition of the momentum space in curved space-time and the linearisation of the Einstein equation as a free field consistent with that for the Yang-Mills gauge field. The proposed linearisation does not utilize the weak-field approximation; thus, the method applies to highly caved space-time. We gave two examples of Green's function of gravitational fields, the plane wave solution and the Schwarzschild solution. 

[2308.06598] Hyperfluid model revisited

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

[2308.06226] Positivity and the Electroweak Hierarchy

Mathematics > Rings and Algebras

[2308.05951] Homotopy conformal algebras